
Using STAR to Answer Interview Questions Video Transcript

Using STAR to Answer Interview Questions

The Interview is Your Time to Shine

Knowing how to answer tough interview questions will help you win the job!

How do you impress the hiring manager?

With stories that detail your success!

The STAR formula will help you give detailed responses and stand out from the crowd.

Situation  - Where you were working or what you were doing.

Task - What task were you assigned, or what problem did you have to solve?

Actions - What actions did you take to complete this task or solve this problem?

Results - What were the results of your actions?


For example:

 “Tell me about a time when you had to interact with a difficult customer.”

When I worked at Apple Rose Café, I interacted with many customers, and there were times when someone would be upset with their service.


On one occasion, a customer was unhappy with their order.

Task (the problem that has to be solved)

I apologized for the order not meeting the customer’s expectations.


I asked the chef to make a new plate and I ensured the order was correct.


I gave the customer a discount, which resulted in a satisfied customer who continued to visit our restaurant.


Yay! You gave the hiring manager a great example of your skills!

Be sure to practice your responses.

For more help with your career, make an appointment with Career Services!
