
Power BI Demo 3 Video Transcript

This is part three of our tutorials on interacting with the dashboards on the Institutional Effectiveness web page.

So here, as in part 1 and part 2, we've taken you to the index page of our dashboards where you can see all of our dashboards that are listed and, for the purpose of this last tutorial, I want to take you to the historical new student dashboard, and again, just as our other dashboards this will be updated to reflect the most recent data (so in fall of tw2017 when we arrive at census we will update this chart as well.

What I want to use this brief tutorial for is to show you some new graphs and some new visualizations that we will be using to reflect and present our data.

So, as in the other two [tutorials], the best thing to do is to go ahead and go full-screen mode, so that our dashboard occupies the entire screen, and I just want to show you two charts, of course the vertical bar chart you're familiar with, the donut chart you're familiar with, the number cards we've talked about, slicers are obviously something you're going to want to interact with, and you probably see these two here that you will not notice on another dashboard that we currently have.

This is called a funnel chart and it's just a unique, fun way to present data instead of looking at another bar chart or another donut chart here in the center, what we're doing is we're looking at new student enrollment by college-so we take the colleges at the University of North Georgia, and then we break down the enrollment in each.

This chart is just a fun and interesting way to see data because it gives you a perspective of our largest college (which you see is the University College at over 5,000 students), and then you are able to work down, and we just funnel-down, and we see that our smallest one is about 0.3 % (so thirteen here is 0.3% of our largest- the University College at over 5,000 students.

So this is just a fun way to see how our enrollment trickles down and funnels down by college.

Another feature that Power BI has continuing to expand and offer us more opportunities is the map feature.

It is important when we have new students to consider where they're coming from, and obviously if you look at this chart (we have it color-coded by the frequency and by the number of students that we have who are new students), and what we're going to do is we're going to use a slicer, and I want to show you that the use of slicers here will reflect some subtle changes in our map from fall 2014 to fall 2016.

So, we're going to go and click fall 2016, and you can see our map changes a little bit and what you can do is just use your mouse, and if you have a scroller on your mouse then you can just kinda stroll in and you can see that the majority of our new student population comes from right here around the Atlanta area, north of Atlanta to around Gainesville and even up in the cities near Lumpkin County, Dawson County, and even up around Blue Ridge.

So, say you are looking at this dashboard and you know- we used in example 1, someone who was interested in Cumming [campus] data- so say for this particular one, we're interested in Oconee data.

So we want to find all of the new students who are attending the Oconee campus in fall 2016, 905 of them, we want to see where they come from.

Where is the hub of our new students on the Oconee campus.

Well, what's great about this chart is you can zoom in and you see it's similar to our other one just not as pronounced, because we don't have the same number of students, but you can see right here around the Atlanta area-suburbs of Atlanta-we see Fulton County (52 students came there), Gwinnett County (103 students from there), Walton County (76 students), and you see over here when you get in and around Athens [which makes sense for our Oconee campus], the number kind of peaks here around 166 students and then in Clarke County (58 students).

So, this is a fun way to see it and again you can zoom out and really click any option that you want- Dahlonega is more pronounced than there in Atlanta.

Also, everything updates based on our selections in the slicer, so fall 2016 Dahlonega, here's our breakdown by college and what's great is all of our charts interact with each other, so if you're just interested in Dahlonega students in fall 2016 who are in MC business (our Mike Cottrell College of Business), then you can see actually where they came from- where those 253 students- where their county origin was on their University of North Georgia application.

So, fun things to do with our maps and fun things to do with our funnel chart, and we will continually be adding new features and new visualizations to our dashboard.

So, thanks for watching this tutorial and if you have any suggestions or any questions feel free to contact me directly at marcus.brewer@ung.edu, and I'll be happy to return your email.

Thank you very much.