
George Danns, Ph.D.

George Danns

Professor, Sociology


Office locationStrickland Academic, 125,


George K. Danns is a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Human Services, University of North Georgia, Gainesville Campus. He has a PhD in Sociology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and was awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship for Doctoral Research in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dr. Danns was also Chair of the University
of North Georgia Faculty Senate 2015-2016. In February 2016, Dr. Danns received the Complete College Georgia Champion Award in Recognition of Superior Scholarship and Service. He served as Chair Department of Sociology, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, Director of the Graduate School of Social Sciences, and Director of Resource Mobilization and Planning at the University
of Guyana. He was a Senior Fulbright Fellow and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan. He was also a Lecturer in the Department of Management, School of Business San Diego State University. Dr. Danns was an Editor of the Rose Sociological Series, American Sociological Association. Member, Publications Committee American Sociological Association. Chair of the Editorial Board, University of Guyana Press and Managing Editor of the Journal Transition of the University of Guyana. He was Director, Center for Economic & Social Research & Action (CESRA). Dr. Danns served as a social science research consultant to numerous international organizations including UNICEF, UNFPA, IADB, USAID, OAS, PAHO, Commonwealth Youth Program (CYP), Canadian Hunger Foundation (CHF), Family Health International (FHI), and also the Government of Guyana.

Courses Taught

Courses taught include introduction to sociology, social problems, deviance and social control, sociological theory, applied sociology, social science research methods, political sociology, race and ethnicity, marriage and the family, nonprofit organizations and the community, organizational behavior, social movements, issues in Caribbean society, modernization and social change, social psychology, advanced social work practice, and people and society.


  • Ph.D., Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook
  • M.A., Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook
  • B. Soc. Sc., Social Sciences - Distinction, University of Guyana

Research/Special Interests

He has conducted extensive research on Guyana and the Caribbean and has publications in areas such as race and ethnic minorities, community development, political leadership, military, police and national security, social movements, environmental and natural disasters, homicide, youth, women, and child labor. Among his publications are: Dynamics of Caribbean Diaspora Engagement: People, Policy, Practice, University of Guyana Press 2018; Domination and Power in Guyana, Transaction Books, 1982; Race and Economic Power among East Indians in Guyana, with Marlon M. Mentore in Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean 1994, University of the West Indies; Tomorrow's Adults: A Situational Analysis of Youth in the Commonwealth Caribbean with Ivan Henry & Patrice La Fleur, Commonwealth Secretariat1997. The Indigenous Condition in Guyana, with Desrey Fox, University of Guyana 1993. The Power of the Powerless: A study of Social Movements in a Third World Reality, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters. August 1986; Leadership and Corruption: An Analysis of Emergent Post-Colonial Rule in the Caribbean, Transition, IDS, University of Guyana.1980; The Role of the Military in the National Security of Guyana, in Militarization in the Non-Hispanic Caribbean, Lynne Reiner Publishers, Inc. 1987, Guyana Border Disputes, Institute Latin Americana de Estudios Transnaccionales, Santiago Chile, August 1986. The Shadow of Death: A Study of Suicide in Guyana, CESRA, Guyana 2000; and, The Shaping of the Foreign Policy of a Developing Nation - The Case of Guyana, Meeting of International Relations Working Group of Consejo De Clencias Sociales (CLASCO), Puerto Rico, January 26-28, 1988.



Small States Big Leaders: An Analytic Review of Studies on Eric Williams, Cheddi Jagan and Vere Bird. CLR James Journal 2012; Politics, Corruption and the Police, in Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Postcolonial State, edited by Aaron Kamugisha, lan Randle Press 2013. Political Parties in Guyana and CLR James’s Party Politics in the West Indies, CLR James Journal 2013. The Impact of Identity, Ethnicity and Class on Guyana’s Strategic Culture. American Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 4 No. 11; November 2014. Guyana Political Crisis Result of Institutionalized Autocracy. World Politics Review, December 9, 2014. The Dialectics of Consolidation: Utopia, Dystopia and Creativity at the University of North Georgia” Journal of Education and Social Policy 2015 Vol. 2, No 4; October 2015. Challenging the Dominance of the World Bank and the IMF: The Role of the BRICS countries and the BRICS Bank in Latin American and the Caribbean, with Donna E. Danns, Journal of Business and Economic Policy. Vol. 2, No. 4; 2015. College Students as Consumers: A Determination of Personal Financial Education Needs of a Diverse Population, with Donna E. Danns, Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, 3(4), 279-301 2017. George Danns & Paget Henry, Editors Special Issue of the CLR James Journal on: Clive Thomas: His Intellectual Legacy; CLR James Journal Vol. 22, (1–2) 2016. Danns, G. K. & Danns, D.E. “Sharing or Taking: Analyzing China-LAC Economic Relations.” With Donna E. Danns; Journal of Business & Economic Policy 4(2) 2017. Danns, D. E., & Danns, G. K. (2017). The Creation of Financial Literacy Programs in Small Developing Countries: An Institutional Approach. Journal of International Business Disciplines, 12(2), 16-37. Gill, B. I. & Danns, G. K. (2017). Xenophobia in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean: Definitions, Theories, and Experiences. In Abidde, S.O. & Gill, B. I. (Eds.) Africans and the Exiled Life: Migration, Culture and Globalization. Roman and Littlefield/Lexington Books. USA. Danns, G. K. (2017).” A Critical Analysis of Aldon Morris’s’ The Scholar Denied: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Birth of Modern Sociology”; CLR James Journal, Vol. 23, 1 -2, Fall 2017. Danns, D. E. & Danns, G.K., “The Impact of the Diaspora on Caribbean Economies” in Dynamics of Caribbean Diaspora: People, Policy, Practice; University of Guyana Press, 2018. Danns, G.K., “Come-back-fuh-go-back Guyanese: The Guyanese Diaspora as Strangers” in Dynamics of Caribbean Diaspora: People, Policy, Practice; University of Guyana Press, 2018. Danns D.E. & Danns G.K. “Financing Youth Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country” Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines; Volume 6, Issue 3 November 2019; Danns D.E. & Danns G. K. “Institutional support and the challenges facing youth entrepreneurs in developing countries: a Guyana case study” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2019. Danns G.K. “The Second Axis: Paget Henry a Scholar for the Ages” The Antigua and Barbuda Review of Books, Brown University 2019. Danns G.K. & Danns D.E. “Analyzing the Interconnections Among Entrepreneurial Optimism, Pessimism and Realism” Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, Volume 7, Issue 2, August 2020.