
6.15 Links - Featured or Related

The 'Links - Featured or Related' block provides a simple method to display links in a visually interesting manner.

Featured Links are limited to a fixed number of links, as controlled by University Relations. We are keeping the number of links that can be displayed in this style to a minimum as to not dilute their effect. The options can be seen below.

Related links give the site editor much more flexibility. They can be created to link to anywhere - even off site. They should not be overused though, or our visitors will begin to ignore them. Related links look very nice in a column and in a page section with multiple columns.

A Reminder:
Never use 'Click Here' in these link areas, or anywhere.


A 'live' web page that is using a featured/related block. The block of content is outlined and has an arrow pointing to it, clicking will take you to the Undergraduate 澳门六合彩官方网站 web page

Styles & Usage

The style types that are available for this block are listed below:

Type 1: Featured Links

Text and Icons on buttons can not be changed, links can be customized for all except the apply buttons

Type 2: Related Links

style- background color

style - no background color
Can add any text and any link to button.

The diagrams below will help you determine where this block can be used. The "Y" inside the box, green yes square, means this block can go in to this column or space. The ''N' inside the box, red no square means this block can't go in this column or space.

Naming Convention

  • Name of block should always begin with lk-featured or lk-related

Please be sure to double check your naming structure to ensure there are no spaces in between any words or dashes. Any space in the name will disrupt the functionality of your block.

Correct: lk-featured-fall-signup

Incorrect: lk -featured-fall-signup

Character Limits

  • Depends on where they are used. The text will wrap and create multiple lines if necessary.

What can I add to this block?

  • Links? Yes
  • Other Blocks? No
  • Columns? No
  • Sections? Yes