
4.1.3 Academic Department Home Page Template

Based on research and user input, 澳门六合彩官方网站 is now implementing more standardized home pages across our units. For academic department home pages, the basic required information is listed and explained below. If a particular item does not apply to your department, it may be skipped.  Items in the expandables area can also be customized to fit the needs of your department.
department home page template

Large Impact Image or Random Image from Set

Choose an image that shows a hands-on application of a degree from the department. Use people who work in this department or students of the department - no clip art showing non-澳门六合彩官方网站 people. A photo shoot for the department can also be considered. You can also choose to have an image from a pre-selected group randomly inserted here each time the page is published.

Department Description

A brief paragraph of conversational and audience focused text that speaks to ‘You’. What does the department offer students, in way of faculty, experiences, etc… that sets  it apart from its competitors? Avoid institutional slang and acronyms. Seed the paragraph with those words you think people will search with to find the department page. Approximate size: 600 characters

Degrees & Programs Listing

A listing of all degrees and certificates offered by the department pulled in from the 澳门六合彩官方网站 degrees site. This listing will have links to detail pages for each degree in the program sites (as available) and links to catalog listings. This information is maintained in a central location by the webteam. A listing of Minors available in the department can be added to this listing. This content will be maintained by the department's web coordinator.

Clear Calls to Action

What do you want prospective students to do once they are on the home page? Give site visitors a clear path to the actions you want them to complete and/or the key information you want them to find.

Special 澳门六合彩官方网站 Requirements

List any special admission requirements for the department. If needed, create a special page with full details.

Internship Information

If the department offers internships, describe the opportunities available here. If needed, link to an additional page with full, detailed information.

What can you do with a career in XYZ?

An overview paragraph of the types of careers a student can undertake with a degree from the department. Review the information under the 'Areas of Study' in the 澳门六合彩官方网站 Degrees & Programs listing for ideas or contact Academic Advising for help with this content.

Study Abroad Opportunities

If the department offers study abroad opportunities, describe the opportunities available here. If needed, link to an additional page with full, detailed information.

Service Learning / Leadership / Community Interaction Opportunities

If your department offers these sort of opportunities for students, let’s advertise it, describe the opportunities available here. If needed, link to an additional page with full, detailed information.

News or Events Feeds or Spotlights

Do you want to pull in any news or event feeds onto your home page? If so, please let us know and we can discuss how to make that happen.