
Response to Reports

University Response to Reports

Upon receipt of a report, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the Complainant (victim/survivor) and offer to meet to discuss resources and options moving forward. During this informal meeting, comfort and privacy are a priority. Complainants are welcome to have an advisor present, who could be a friend, family member, or another support person. There is no requirement or expectation to meet with the Title IX Coordinator.

Supportive Measures

澳门六合彩官方网站 recognizes that Sexual Misconduct impacts mental health and prevents people from feeling safe and participating in campus-related activities and events. Supportive measures are implemented to ensure access and meaningful participation for undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty in their education, housing, and employment.

Supportive measures are available to any individual who has experienced sexual misconduct, even when those individuals do not wish to file a formal complaint or participate in an investigation. Individuals accused (Respondent) of sexual misconduct may also access supportive measures.

Interim Measures and Emergency Removal

Interim measures may be implemented at any point after the University becomes aware of an allegation of sexual misconduct to protect the Complainant and the University community. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the campus community or deter sexual misconduct and retaliation.

Informal Resolution

Allegations of Sexual Misconduct may be resolved informally. The Complainant, Respondent, and University must agree to engage in the informal resolution process and to the terms of the informal resolution. The Complainant and the Respondent can end informal resolution discussions at any time before the terms of an informal resolution are reached.

The University may stop the informal resolution process if it appears that no resolution will be met.

Formal (Investigation) Process

An investigation is the process used by the Title IX office to carefully examine an allegation or complaint of Sexual Misconduct to determine if there was a policy violation.

This investigation is an administrative process and not a criminal one. This means that the investigation determines whether University policy has been violated, not whether the law has been violated.